Friday, July 18, 2008

A note from Kevin Kapchinski

How ya goin?

I got blessed by the Pope yesterday. It was so cool. I was ten yards away from him and he looked me right in the eye and waved to me. Everything was so surreal yesterday. I started the day with Reconciliation, then adoration, then Mass, then I saw the Pope, then I went to adoration again, and finished with a Matt Maher concert. The day was jam packed with Holiness. I want to let everyone know that all is well. Christ is alive and the Holy Spirit is flowing through the world and setting hearts ablaze. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank y'all for all your support and prayers. We're praying for you every day. God bless and take care and Good on ya mates from Aussieland. James 1:2-4

K Kap


Anita Kapchinski said...
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Anita Kapchinski said...
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Anita Kapchinski said...

G'd on ya, Kevin! It's great to hear from you. I, too, watched the arrival of the Pope and the welcoming ceremony. Even through the screen of the lap top, the incredible outpouring of love and
joy going back and forth between the pilgrims and our Holy Father was magnificent! I cannot imagine what it must have been like for you to not only be there in person, but to make eye contact w/His Holiness. At the end of the welcoming liturgy, the WYD director said "The pilgrims have now received the papal blessing, and each of them are richer for it". Powerful!

I'm so proud of you and the group for the good decisions you've been making in order to get enough rest and pace yourselves to "finish the race". I pray that you will continue to find "joy, patience, and wisdom" throughout the rest of this journey.

We miss you here at SWATA and everyone says "Howdy" - will miss you at the banquet tonight. Who's going to eat all the extra salad and desserts? (Sounds like you could use some!)

P.S. - pardon the technical difficulties! 3rd time's the charm.